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Kratki film
Režija: Clemens Roth
Nemačka, 2017
Trajanje: 9 min
Petnaestogodišnji Stasik odrastao je u selu u Ukrajini dok njegovi roditelji rade u zapadnoj Evropi. Sada žele da im se Stasik pridruži. Ali on nosi tajnu koja ga opterećuje. Stasik je zaljubljen u njegovog najboljeg prijatelja Vasilija. On mora doneti odluku koja će drastično uticati na njegovu budućnost.
Under tension
Director: Clemens Roth
Germany, 2017
Duration: 9 min
Fifteen-year-old Stasik is growing up in a village in Ukraine while his parents are away working in western Europe. Now they want Stasik to follow and rejoin them. But he is carrying a secret that weighs heavily on him. Stasik is in love with his best friend Vassili. He needs to make a decision that will drastically affect his future.
Clemens Roth
Born in Austria 1982. Early passion for painting, poetry and robotics. Convinced Atheist. Firm believer in the power of storytelling. Theater, film and media studies at the University of Vienna. Studies at the Filmacademy Baden-Württemberg in directing fictional film. Living in Berlin.