Kratki film
Režija: Simon Maria Kubiena
Austrija, 2019.
Trajanje: 3 min.
Prvorođeni sin koristi šminku i oblači se kao žena što izaziva raspravu sa ocem tokom porodične večere.
Short film
Director: Simon Maria Kubiena
Austria, 2019
Duration: 3 min
The first-born using make-up and dressing up as a woman triggers a dispute situation with the father at a family dinner.
Simon Maria Kubiena
Simon Maria Kubiena, born in 1998 in Vienna, found his passion for filmmaking through acting, which he successfully demonstrated since the age of 8 with roles at the Burgtheater Vienna and national film productions. Since then, Simon has been working on short films and music videos, which have been widely acclaimed at national and European film festivals. In the summer of 2018, he attended a film workshop at the Prague Film School. Simon lives and works in Vienna.