Strejt putovanje: Dani i noci u njihovom kraljevstvu
A Straight Journey: Days and Nights in their Kingdom (2015)
Režija: masamojo
Trajanje: 20′
Jezik: Kineski
Titlovi: Srpski
Od 2014. do 2015, masamojo, tim od dvoje fotografa koji su strejt, kreću na put kroz 11 kineskih gradova, fotografišući portrete 48 gejeva i lezbejki i njihovih porodica. Od gej parova koji žive u planinama preko lezbejske zajednice u gradu do drag kraljice u noćnom klubu, Strej putovanje priča priče o stvarnosti i njenoj raznovrsnosti. To je bio prvi put da su se kolektivne priče kineskog LGBT sveta čule na mejnstrim platformi. Sa preko 10 miliona pregleda, dotakao je mnogo ljudi i postao most izmedju gej i strejt ljudi.
A Straight Journey: Days and Nights in their Kingdom (2015)
China (Chinese)
Director: masamojo
Duration: 20′
From 2014-2015, masamojo, a team of two photographers, who are straight people, took a journey across 11 cities in China, making portraits of 48 gays and lesbians and their families. From gay couples living in the mountains, to lesbian community in the city and the drag queen in a night club, A Straight Journey tells the stories of the reality and its diversity. And it was the first time that collective stories of Chinese LGBT world were heard on a mainstream platform. With over 10 million views, it went viral on internet and became a bridge between gay and straight people.